Jennifer writes: "We had a fabulous time. We cannot wait to go back. We loved the cabin - my daughter now wants a triple bunk for her bed. It was so well kitted out- we didn't need a third of the stuff we brought. We loved how it looked out onto the forest and how quiet the area was. We loved watching the antics of the birds and waiting for the squirrel to come by and try and steal our bag of peanuts.
We did activities outside everyday. We hiked the Oakwood Forest Trail and to Avich Falls. My daughter mountain biked on real mountains. We biked around the forest cabin complex and Dalavich. My husband fished everyday! We even hired a boat from someone in the town of Dalavich and visited the Innischonnel castle on the island in the lake.
We went out on a day trip to Inverawe and my daughter biked and I hiked the Loch Etive trail while my husband got to fish for trout in the river. Even when it rained, we enjoyed ourselves by playing Trivial Pursuit, Scrabble, and putting together a puzzle." On the right is Jennifer's picture of the Falls of Avich.